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“Building 3D Statistical Shape Models of Horticultural Products”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2100-2112, 2017.
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“Building a Statistical Shape Model of the Apple from Corresponded Surfaces”, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 44, pp. 49-54, 2015.
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“A Multiresolution Approach to Discrete Tomography Using DART”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 9, 2014.
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“Dynamic Angle Selection in X-ray Computed Tomography”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 324, pp. 17-24, 2014.
, “Adaptive zooming in X-ray computed tomography”, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, vol. 22, pp. 77-89, 2014.
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“PCA-based Branch and Bound Search Algorithms for Computing K Nearest Neighbors”, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 24, pp. 1437-1451, 2003.
, “Region and Contour Identification of Physical Objects”, Applied Numerical Analysis Computational Mathematics, vol. 1, pp. 343-352, 2004.
, “Chronic exposure to haloperidol and olanzapine leads to common and divergent shape changes in the rat hippocampus in the absence of grey-matter volume loss”, Psychological Medicine, vol. 46, no. 15, pp. 3081-3093, 2016.
, “A multi-level preconditioned Krylov method for the efficient solution of algebraic tomographic reconstruction problems”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 238, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2015.
, “Iterative Reweighted Linear Least Squares for Accurate, Fast, and Robust Estimation of Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Parameters”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. 2174–2184, 2015.
, “Diffusion kurtosis imaging with free water elimination: a Bayesian estimation approach”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 802-813, 2018.
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“Discrete Terahertz tomography: a simulation study”, e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, vol. 27, no. 3, 2022.
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“IntensityPatches and RegionPatches for Image Recognition”, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 62, pp. 176-186, 2018.
, “Modeling blurring effects due to continuous gantry rotation: application to region of interest tomography”, Medical Physics, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 2709-2717, 2015.
, “Can portable tomosynthesis improve the diagnostic value of bedside chest X-ray in the intensive care unit? A proof of concept study”, European Radiology Experimental, vol. 1, no. 20, pp. 1-7, 2017.
, “The role of whole-brain diffusion MRI as a tool for studying human in vivo cortical segregation based on a measure of neurite density”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 79, no. 5, pp. 2738–2744, 2018.
, “Importance of pressure plasticity during compression of probiotic tablet formulations”, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, vol. 145, pp. 7-11, 2019.
, “Detecting the adjacency effect in hyperspectral imagery with spectral unmixing techniques”, IEEE JSTARS, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1070-1078, 2013.
, “A spectral-unmixing approach to estimate water-mass concentrations in case-II waters”, IEEE-JSTARS, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 7, 2014.
, “Unveiling Water Dynamics in Fuel Cells from Time-Resolved Tomographic Microscopy Data”, Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 16388 , 2020.
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“On the use of dorsiventral reflectance asymmetry of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) leaves in air pollution estimation”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 189, no. 9, 2017.
, “Hyperspectral leaf reflectance of Carpines betulus L. saplings for urban air quality estimation”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 220, pp. 159-167, 2017.
, “Functional magnetic resonance imaging in zebra finch discerns the neural substrate involved in segregation of conspecific song from background noise”, Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 99, pp. 931-938, 2008.
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“Aortic root sizing for transcatheter aortic valve implantation using a shape model parameterisation”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2081–2092, 2019.
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“Statistical shape modeling and population analysis of the aortic root of TAVI patients”, Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 7, no. 4, 2013.