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, “Strategies for quantifying the 3D atomic structure and the dynamics of nanomaterials using model-based STEM”, Virtual MRS Spring/ Fall Meeting, Boston, United States (online). 2020.
, “Chapter Eight - General conclusions and future perspectives”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
, “Chapter Five - Optimal experiment design for nanoparticle atom counting from ADF STEM images”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
, “Chapter Four - Atom counting”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics,, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
, “Chapter One - Introduction”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
, “Chapter Seven - Image-quality evaluation and model selection with maximum a posteriori probability”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
, “Chapter Six - Atom column detection”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
, “Chapter Three - Efficient fitting algorithm”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
, “Chapter Two - Statistical parameter estimation theory: principles and simulation studies”, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.