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Conference Paper
D. H. J. Poot, Sijbers, J., den Dekker, A. J., and Pintjens, W., Automatic estimation of the noise variance from the histogram of a magnetic resonance image, in IEEE/EBMS Benelux Symposium proceedings, 2006, pp. 135-138.
W. Pintjens, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., and Van Der Linden, A., A Combined Correction Scheme For EPI Distortions at 7 Tesla, in Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering - IEEE/EMBS Benelux Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 2006, pp. 147-150.
W. Pintjens, Poot, D. H. J., Verhoye, M., Van Der Linden, A., and Sijbers, J., Susceptibility correction for improved tractography using high field DT-EPI, in Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, USA, 2008, vol. 6914.
W. Pintjens, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., and Van Der Linden, A., A total correction scheme for EPI distortions at high field, in 22th Annual Scientific Meeting - European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Warsaw, Poland, 2006, pp. 328-329.