“Mixed-Scale Dense Convolutional Neural Network based Improvement of Glass Fiber-reinforced Composite CT Images”, 4th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures. 2019.
, “Investigation of keel versus knife edge pinhole profiles for a next-generation SPECT system dedicated to clinical brain imaging”, 2nd International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications. 2019.
, “Investigating lattice strain in Au nanodecahedrons”, European Microscopy Congress 2016. 2016.
, “A framework for markerless alignment with full 3D flexibility”, European Microscopy Conference. 2012.
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“A fast 4D CT reconstruction algorithm for affine deforming objects”, Applied inverse problems conference. 2015.
, “Edge Illumination Phase Contrast Simulations Using the OptiX GPU Ray Tracing Engine”, 5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures (ICTMS). 2022.
, “Dual axis Dark Field Contrast Tomography for visualisation of scattering directions in a CFRP sample”, 4th Conference on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings. Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 79-80, 2017.
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“Deep learning based missing wedge artefact removal for electron tomography”, Microscopy Conference, Berlin, Germany. pp. 660-661, 2019.
, “Compensation of affine deformations in fan and cone beam projections”, Micro-CT User Meeting. pp. 187-189, 2014.
Download abstract (285.55 KB)
“AdAPTS: An Adaptive Atom Probe Tomography Simulation Library”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 30, no. 1. 2024.
, “Adaptive triangular mesh for phase contrast imaging”, 5th international Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures, 27the June - 1ste July, Grenoble, France. 2022.
, “3D atomic resolution tomography from iDPC-STEM images using multiple atom model prior”, Microscopy Conference. 2021.
Download abstract (534.35 KB)