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“Posture normalization of 3D body scans”, Ergonomics, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 834-848, 2019.
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“Reproducibility and intercorrelation of graph theoretical measures in structural brain connectivity networks”, Medical Image Analysis, vol. 52, pp. 56-67, 2019.
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“Robust outlier detection for diffusion kurtosis MRI based on IRLLS”, 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology, vol. 32. 2019.
, “Simulated grating-based x-ray phase contrast images of CFRP-like objects”, in 9th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Padova, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-8.
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“Super-resolution T1 mapping with integrated motion compensation in a joint maximum likelihood framework”, 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology (ESMRMB), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 32 (Suppl. 1). Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2019.
, “Tools for the Analysis of Datasets from X-Ray Computed Tomography based on Talbot-Lau Grating Interferometry”, in 9th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Padova, Italy, 2019.
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“A Trajectory Based Bottom-Up Volume Reconstruction Method for Atom Probe Tomography”, European Atom Probe Workshop. 2019.
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, “Absolute CBF quantification in multi-time point ASL: the T1 issue”, 10th Annual Meeting of ISMRM Benelux, January 26th 2018, Antwerp, Belgium. 2018.
, “Accurate and precise MRI relaxometry: the often disregarded but critical role of statistical parameter estimation”, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 26th Annual Meeting. Paris, France, p. 5664, 2018.
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, “Advances in X-ray reconstruction algorithms for limited data problems in conventional and non-conventional projection geometries”, 2018.
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“Brain Tissue–Volume Changes in Cosmonauts”, New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 379, no. 17, pp. 1678 - 1680, 2018.
, “Changes in intrinsic functional brain connectivity after first-time exposure to parabolic flight”, 39th ISGP Meeting & ESA Life Sciences Meeting. 2018.
, “A Combined Statistical Shape Model of the Scalp and Skull of the Human Head”, in 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017), Los Angeles, California, USA, 2018, vol. 591, pp. 538-548.
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“Comparative Visualization of Orientation Tensors in Fiber-Reinforced Polymers”, in 8th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Wels, Austria , 2018.
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“Diffusion kurtosis imaging allows the early detection and longitudinal follow-up of amyloid β-induced pathology.”, Alzheimer's Research & Therapy , vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2018.
, “Diffusion kurtosis imaging with free water elimination: a Bayesian estimation approach”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 802-813, 2018.
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“Discrete tomography in an in vivo small animal bone study”, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 40–53, 2018.
, “An educational presentation on accurate and precise MRI relaxometry: the often disregarded but critical role of statistical parameter estimation”, 10th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Antwerp, Belgium, 2018.
, “An efficient CAD projector for X-ray projection based 3D inspection with the ASTRA Toolbox”, in 8th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Wels, Austria, 2018.
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“Enhanced contrast in X-ray microtomographic images of the membranous labyrinth using different X-ray sources and scanning modes”, Journal of Anatomy, vol. 233, p. 770--782, 2018.
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