Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging of premature newborns


Diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) is a recently proposed extension of the conventional DTI model. It has been shown to offer more sensitive characterization of neural tissues than DTI. So far, DKI has only been applied to adult human and small animal studies, but not yet to human newborns. In this work, we present an optimized workflow for the acquisition and processing of DKI images of newborns. First, optimal set of diffusion weighting gradients for DKI studies of newborn subjects is proposed. Optimized gradients allow to estimate DKI parameters with the highest precision. Next, preprocessing and segmentation of the DKI data is considered, including motion correction, eddy currents suppression, intensity modulation and gradients reorientation. Finally, statistics of estimated diffusion and kurtosis parameters for different neonatal brain tissues are calculated.

M. Kudzinava, Plaisier, A., Dudink, J., and Sijbers, J., Diffusion and kurtosis parameters in white matter of premature newborns, WMSG, White Matter Study Group, International Workshop on Advanced White Matter Imaging. Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 21, 2011.PDF icon Abstract (378.88 KB)PDF icon Poster (363.19 KB)
M. Kudzinava, Poot, D. H. J., Plaisier, A., and Sijbers, J., Optimized Workflow for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging of Newborns, in ISBI, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Chicago, USA, 2011, pp. 922-926.PDF icon Paper (286.57 KB)PDF icon Presentation (1.25 MB)
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