Paul Scheunders
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“Denoising of multispectral images using wavelet thresholding”, in Proc. SPIE conference on Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IX, part of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Barcelona, Spain, 2003, pp. 28-35.
, “Feature Selection and Classifier Ensembles: A Study on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data”, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 2003.
, “Information extraction techniques for monitoring of stress symptoms in orchards”, in Proc. Earsel 2003, Imaging Spectroscopy workshop Oberpfaffenhofen, 2003, pp. 278-283.
, “Optimal hyperspectral indicators for stress detection in orchards”, in Proc. Earsel 2003, Imaging Spectroscopy workshop Oberpfaffenhofen, 2003, pp. 534-541.
, “An orthogonal wavelet representation of multivalued images”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 12, pp. 718-725, 2003.
, “Wavelet Based Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Vegetation Monitoring”, in SPIE International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing IX, Barcelona, Spain, 2003, pp. 297-305.
, “A wavelet representation of multispectral images; in: Frontiers of Remote Sensing Information Processing”, World Scientific, 2003, pp. 197-224.
, “Wavelet representations of multivalued images”, in Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing, part of the International Symposium on Photonics Technologies for Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing , 27-31 October 2003, Providence, RI USA, 2003, pp. 203-215.
, “Wavelet thresholding of multispectral images”, in Proc. ACIVS03, Andvanced Concepts for intelligent vision systems , Ghent, 2003, pp. 255-259.
, “Genetic feature selection combined with composite fuzzy nearest neighbor classifiers for hyperspectral satellite imagery”, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 23, pp. 183-190, 2002.
, “Multiscale watershed segmentation of multivalued images”, in Proc. ICPR02, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec, Canada, 2002, vol. 3, pp. 855-858.
, “A multivalued image wavelet representation based on multiscale fundamental forms”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 11, pp. 568-575, 2002.
, “An orthogonal wavelet representation of multivalued images”, in Proc. ACIVS02, Andvanced Concepts for intelligent vision systems, Ghent, 2002.
, “Unsupervised Pattern Recognition - Dimensionality Reduction and Classification”, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 2002.
, “Wavelet-based enhancement and denoising using multiscale structure tensor”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester NY, 2002, pp. 569-572.
, “Feature selection for high-dimensional remote sensing data by a maximum entropy principal based optimization”, in Proc. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001, pp. 3303-3305.
, “Fusion and merging of multispectral images using multiscale fundamental forms”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 18, pp. 2468-2477, 2001.
, “Fuzzy markov chains approach to feature selection for high dimensional remote sensing data”, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001, pp. 3306-3308.
, “Local mapping for multispectral image visualisation”, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 19, pp. 971-978, 2001.
, “Multiscale anisotropic filtering of color images”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001, vol. 3, pp. 170-173.
, “Multiscale fundamental forms: a multimodal image wavelet representation”, in Proc. ICIAP, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Palermo, Italy, 2001, pp. 179-184.
, “Multispectral image fusion and merging using multiscale fundamental forms”, in Proc. ICIP01, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001, pp. 902-905.
, “Multivalued image segmentation based on first fundamental form”, in Proc. ICIAP, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Palermo, Italy, 2001, pp. 185-190.
, “Texture segmentation by frequency-sensitive elliptical competitive learning”, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 19, pp. 639-648, 2001.
, “Automated chromatin-texture based diagnosis of carcinoma nuclei”, Journal of Microscopy, vol. 197, pp. 25-35, 2000.