Paul Scheunders

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Filters: Author is Paul Scheunders
Editor of Conference Proceedings
J. Blanc-Talon, Bone, D., Philips, W., Popescu, D., and Scheunders, P., ACIVS 2010, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6474 & 6475. Springer, 2010.
Conference Paper
Z. Mahmood and Scheunders, P., Enhanced visualization of hyperspectral images, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International, 2010, pp. 991 -994.
J. Ganseman, Mysore, G. J., Scheunders, P., and Abel, J. S., Evaluation of a score-informed source separation system, in Proc. 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 2010, 2010, pp. 219-224.
R. Heylen, Burazerovic, D., and Scheunders, P., A graph-based method for non-linear unmixing of hyperspectral imagery, in IEEE IGARSS2010, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, Haway, July 25-30, 2010, pp. 197-200.
G. Thoonen, Spanhove, T., Haest, B., Vanden Borre, J., and Scheunders, P., Habitat mapping and quality assessment of heathlands using a modified kernel-based reclassification technique, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International, Honolulu, HI, USA, 2010, pp. 2707 - 2710.
Conference Paper
R. Heylen and Scheunders, P., Nonlinear barycentric dimensionality reduction, in IEEE ICIP10, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kong, september 26-29, 2010, pp. 1341-1344.
B. Haest, Thoonen, G., Vanden Borre, J., Spanhove, T., Delalieux, S., Bertels, L., Kooistra, L., Mücher, C. A., and Scheunders, P., An object-based approach to quantity and quality assessment of heathland habitats in the framework of NATURA 2000 using hyperspectral airborne AHS images., in Proceedings of GEOBIA 2010, the Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis Conference, 2010, vol. XXXVIII-4/C7.
J. Ganseman, Mysore, G. J., Scheunders, P., and Abel, J. S., Source separation by score synthesis, in Proc. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2010), New York, NY, June 1-5, 2010, pp. 462-465.
G. Thoonen, Hufkens, K., Vanden Borre, J., and Scheunders, P., Using patch metrics as validation for contextual classification of heathland vegetation., in Proceedings of GEOBIA 2010, the Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis Conference, 2010, vol. XXXVIII-4/C7.
Editor of Conference Proceedings
J. Blanc-Talon, Philips, W., Popescu, D., and Scheunders, P., ACIVS 2009, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5807. Springer, 2009.
Conference Paper
G. Thoonen, Vanden Borre, J., De Backer, S., and Scheunders, P., Assessing the quality of heathland vegetation by classification of hyperspectral data using spatial information, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2009 IEEE International,IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009, vol. 4, p. IV-330 - IV-333.
P. Scheunders, Bayesian techniques for multi/hyperspectral image processing, in 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Xi’an, China, May 25-27, 2009, pp. 1-10.
Y. Zhang, Duijster, A., and Scheunders, P., A combined hyperspectral image restoration and fusion approach, in IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, July, 13-17, 2009, pp. 995-998.
Conference Paper
Y. Zhang, Duijster, A., and Scheunders, P., A Hyperspectral Image Restoration technique, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 7-11, 2009, pp. 2873-2876.
Journal Article
Y. Zhang, De Backer, S., and Scheunders, P., Noise-resistant wavelet-based Bayesian fusion of multispectral and hyperspectral images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 47, pp. 3834-3843, 2009.
Conference Paper
J. Driesen, Thoonen, G., and Scheunders, P., Spatial hyperspectral image classification by prior segmentation, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2009 IEEE International,IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009, vol. 3, p. III-709 - III-712.
Conference Paper
J. Ganseman, Scheunders, P., and D'haes, W., Using XML-formatted scores in real-time applications, in 10-th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pp. 663-668, Kobe, Japan, October 26-30, 2009, pp. 663-668.
Conference Paper
G. Verdoolaege, Lambrechts, M., and Scheunders, P., Wavelet-Based colour texture retrieval using the KL Divergence between bivariate Generalized Gaussian Models, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 7-11, 2009, pp. 265-268.
Journal Article
A. Duijster, Scheunders, P., and De Backer, S., Wavelet-Based EM Algorithm for Multispectral-Image Restoration, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 47, pp. 3892-3898, 2009.
Editor of Conference Proceedings
J. Blanc-Talon, Bourenanne, S., Philips, W., Popescu, D., and Scheunders, P., ACIVS 2008, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5259. 2008.
Conference Paper
Y. Zhang, De Backer, S., and Scheunders, P., Bayesian fusion of multispectral and hyperspectral image in wavelet domain, in IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2008, Boston, United States, 6-11 July, 2008, pp. 69-72.
