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J. Sijbers, den Dekker, A. J., Raman, E., and Van Dyck, D., Parameter estimation from magnitude MR images, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 10, pp. 109-114, 1999.PDF icon Download paper (350.44 KB)
E. Bettens, Peak Characterization using Parameter Estimation Methods, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 1999.
A. J. den Dekker, Sijbers, J., and Van Dyck, D., Quantitative HREM: viewpoints on resolution, precision, and experimental design, in Acta Cryst. A55 Supplement, Abstract M11.OE.OO5, IUCR Glasgow, Scotland, 1999.
J. Sijbers, Michiels, I., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., Restoration of EEG signals distorted during simultaneous MR acquisitions, in annual meeting: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, Sevilla, Spain, 1999, p. 212.
J. Sijbers, Michiels, I., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., Restoration of MR induced artifacts in simultaneously recorded MR/EEG data, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 17, pp. 1383-1393, 1999.PDF icon Download paper (1.09 MB)
I. Michiels, Sijbers, J., Eelen, J., Verhoye, M., Dhooghe, R., Nagels, G., De Deyn, P. P., and Van Der Linden, A., Simultaneous EEG and MRI in an animal model for generalized epilepsy induced in the MRI instrument, in Third Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium, 1999.
I. Michiels, Sijbers, J., Eelen, J., Verhoye, M., Dhooghe, R., Nagels, G., De Deyn, P. P., and Van Der Linden, A., Simultaneous EEG and MRI in an animal model for generalized epilepsy induced in the MRI instrument, in 16th annual meeting: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, Sevilla, Spain, 1999.
G. Van de Wouwer, Scheunders, P., and Van Dyck, D., Statistical texture characterization from discrete wavelet representations, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 8, pp. 592-598, 1999.
S. De Backer and Scheunders, P., Texture segmentation by frequency-sensitive elliptical competitive learning, in Proc. ICIAP99, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing , Venice, Italy, september 27-29, 1999, pp. 64-69.
D. Van Dyck, Bettens, E., Sijbers, J., Op de Beeck, M., van den Bos, A., den Dekker, A. J., Jansen, J., and Zandbergen, H., Towards quantitative structure determination through electron holographic methods, Materials Characterization, vol. 42, pp. 265-281, 1999.PDF icon Download paper (6.71 MB)
B. Weyn, Van de Wouwer, G., Koprowski, M., Van Daele, A., Dhaene, K., Scheunders, P., Jacob, W., and Van Marck, E., Value of morphometry, texture analysis, densitometry and histometry in the differential diagnosis and prognosis of malignant mesothelioma, Journal of Pathology, vol. 4, pp. 581-589, 1999.
G. Van de Wouwer, Scheunders, P., Livens, S., and Van Dyck, D., Wavelet correlation signatures for color texture characterization, pattern Recognition, vol. 32, pp. 443-451, 1999.
B. Weyn, Van de Wouwer, G., Van Daele, A., Scheunders, P., Van Dyck, D., Van Marck, E., and Jacob, W., Automated breast tumour diagnosis and grading based on wavelet chromatin texture description, Cytometry, vol. 33, pp. 32-40, 1998.
D. Meersman, Scheunders, P., and Van Dyck, D., Classification of microcalcifications using texture-based features, in Digital Mammography, 1998, pp. 233-236.
D. Meersman, Scheunders, P., and Van Dyck, D., Detection of microcalcifications using non-linear filtering, in Proc. EUSIPCO'98, European Signal Processing Conference, 1998, pp. 2465-2468.
D. Van Dyck, den Dekker, A. J., Sijbers, J., and Bettens, E., Dose Limited Resolution, in Proceedings Microscopy and Microanalysis, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 802-803.
J. Sijbers, Estimation of Signal and Noise from Magnitude Magnetic Resonance Images, 1998.PDF icon Download PhD thesis (3.5 MB)
J. Sijbers, den Dekker, A. J., Van Dyck, D., and Raman, E., Estimation of signal and noise from Rician distributed data, in Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, Canary Islands, Spain, 1998, pp. 140-143.
J. Sijbers, den Dekker, A. J., Van Audekerke, J., Verhoye, M., and Van Dyck, D., Estimation of the noise in magnitude MR images, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 16, pp. 87-90, 1998.PDF icon Download paper (64.9 KB)
G. Wolf and Scheunders, P., Evaluation of the swimming activity of Daphnia magna by image analysis after administration of sublethal Cadmium concentrations, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, vol. 120, pp. 99-105, 1998.
C. C. Hung, Coleman, T., and Scheunders, P., The genetic algorithm approach and K-means clustering: their role in unsupervised training in image classification, in Proc. IASTED International Conf. On Computer Graphics and Imaging , Halifax, Canada, june 1-3, 1998, pp. 103-106.
A. J. den Dekker, Sijbers, J., and Van Dyck, D., How to design an HREM experiment so as to attain the highest precision?, in ICEM14: 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Cancun, Mexico, 1998, vol. 1, pp. 621-622.
S. Livens, Image Analysis for Material Characterisation, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 1998.
J. Van Audekerke, Verhoye, M., Sijbers, J., DeVoogd, T. J., Smulders, T., Newman, S. W., and Van Der Linden, A., Imaging birds .. in a bird cage: In vivo MRI microscopy of the canary brain at 7T, in Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: Sixth Annual Meeting, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 162-163.
M. Verhoye, Van Der Linden, A., Van Audekerke, J., Sijbers, J., Eens, M., and Balthazart, J., Imaging birds in a bird cage: in-vivo FSE 3D MRI of bird brain, MAGMA: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, vol. 6, pp. 22-27, 1998.PDF icon Download paper (1.33 MB)
