Super-resolution multi-PLD PCASL: a simulation study
Publication Type:
Conference AbstractSource:
34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology (ESMRMB), Barcelona, Spain, Magn Reson Mater Phy, Volume 30 (Suppl. 1), Number S396 (2017)Abstract:
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) can be estimated non-invasively with arterial spin labeling (ASL). Multi-post-labeling-delay (PLD) pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) allows for accurate CBF estimation by sampling the dynamic perfusion signal at different PLDs and fitting a model to the perfusion data. Unfortunately, ASL difference images have a low SNR. Therefore, CBF estimation in multi-PLD PCASL is imprecise, unless a large number of images is acquired (long scan time) or spatial resolution is lowered significantly. It has been shown that model-based super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) techniques can improve the trade-off between SNR, spatial resolution and acquisition time. The results presented in this work show the promising potential of SRR ASL to outperform conventional ASL readout schemes in terms of achievable precision of HR perfusion measurements in a given acquisition time.
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