Accelerated Dual-contrast Three-dimensional Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Super-resolution Reconstructed Deep Learning-enhanced Two-dimensional Dixon Turbo Spin-echo Imaging

Publication Type:

Conference Abstract


Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., Volume 27, Issue S01, p.1-24 (2023)



Recent work on three-dimensional (3D) super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) of conventional two-dimensional (2D) turbo spin-echo (TSE) knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows that high-resolution isotropic knee MRI is technically feasible. Yet the use of acceleration techniques and contrast optimization are needed for clinical validation of this 3D method. With the advent of deep learning (DL) image reconstruction techniques, high acceleration of SRR input data is now achievable through extended use of simultaneous multislice and parallel imaging methods. Moreover, the combination of accelerated TSE with the Dixon method allows us to acquire fat-suppressed and non-fat-suppressed data within a single acquisition that further accelerates the dual-contrast SRR protocol.

This study evaluated the technical feasibility of 3D SRR MRI based on DL-enhanced highly accelerated 2D Dixon TSE MRI. It also compared image quality and diagnostic confidence of this dual-contrast 3D technique to (accelerated) conventional 2D TSE knee MRI. We hypothesized that the SRR method provides the required contrasts needed for comprehensive knee joint evaluation in a competitive acquisition time.