“HARDI-based methods for fiber orientation estimation”, ISMRM, 20th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia, p. 3585, 2012.
, “A Ground Truth Analysis of the Preservation of Diffusion Tensor Information in a Population Specific Atlas”, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 16th Scientific Meeting. Toronto, Canada, 2008.
, “Gibbs artifact suppression for DT-MRI data”, 10th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering – joint meeting with IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter. 2011.
, “Fiber Tractography on a Crossing Fiber Phantom using Constrained Spherical Deconvolution MRI”, Liège Image Days. Liège, Belgium, 2008.
, “Fiber architecture of the female pelvic floor: An exploratory investigation using different diffusion MRI tractography algorithms”, ISMRM, 19th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Montreal, Canada, 2011.
, “ExploreDTI: A Graphical Toolbox for Processing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Diffusion MR Data”, ISMRM, 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Honolulu, USA, 2009.
, “Estimating the number of fiber orientations in diffusion MRI voxels: a constrained spherical deconvolution study”, ISMRM, 18th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
, “Distortion correction of DKI data: affine approach”, 10th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering – joint meeting with IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter. 2011.
Abstract (362.44 KB)
Poster (716.34 KB)

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, “Counting the number of fiber orientations in diffusion MRI voxels using constrained spherical deconvolution”, 2nd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2010.
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, “Correction of DWI gradient orientations using registration techniques”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Hoeven, The Netherlands. 2011.
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