Paul Scheunders

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Filters: Author is Paul Scheunders
Conference Paper
G. Verdoolaege, De Backer, S., and Scheunders, P., Multiscale colour texture retrieval using the geodesic distance between multivariate generalized Gaussian models, in IEEE, International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, CA, October 12-15, 2008, pp. 169-172.
G. Thoonen, De Backer, S., Provoost, S., Kempeneers, P., and Scheunders, P., Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data of Dune Vegetation along the Belgian Coast, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008. IEEE International, Boston, MA, USA, 2008, vol. 3, p. III-483 - III-486.
J. Ganseman, Scheunders, P., and D'haes, W., Using MusicXML in real-time applications, in Proceedings of the 34th Euromicro conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Parma, Italy, September 3-5, 2008, pp. 29-30.
J. Ganseman, Scheunders, P., and D'haes, W., Using XQUERY on MusicXML databases for musicological analysis, in ISMIR 2008, 9-th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Philadephia, USA, 14-18 september, 2008, pp. 433-438.
A. Duijster, De Backer, S., and Scheunders, P., Wavelet-based Multispectral Image Restoration, in IGARSS 2008 - 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008, vol. 3, pp. 79-82.
Editor of Conference Proceedings
J. Blanc-Talon, Philips, W., Popescu, D., and Scheunders, P., ACIVS 2007, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4678. Springer, pp. 1-1095, 2007.
Conference Paper
P. Scheunders, De Backer, S., Pizurica, A., Huysmans, B., and Philips, W., Bayesian Wavelet-based Denoising of Multicomponent Images, in Proceedings Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing V, part of SPIE Optics East, Boston, MA, 9-12 september, Vol. 6763-OK (12 pages), 2007.
Conference Paper
A. Duijster, De Backer, S., and Scheunders, P., Wavelet-based Multicomponent Image Restoration, in Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing V, part of SPIE Optics East, Boston, MA, United States, September 9-12, 2007, vol. 6763.
Editor of Conference Proceedings
J. Blanc-Talon, Philips, W., Popescu, D., and Scheunders, P., ACIVS 2006, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4179. Springer, pp. 1-1224, 2006.
Conference Paper
P. Kempeneers, De Backer, S., Zarco-Tejada, P. J., Delalieux, S., Sepulcre-Cantó, G., Morales, F., Sagardoy, R., van Aardt, J., Coppin, P., and Scheunders, P., Chlorophyll retrieval from canopy reflectance over orchards using hyperspectral techniques, in 2nd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 25-29 September 2006, Torrent (Valencia), Spain, 2006.
S. De Backer and Scheunders, P., Enhancement of fMRI image series with the aid of an anatomical image, in ISBI’06, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, Virginia, april 6-9, 2006, pp. 1052-1055.
Conference Paper
P. Kempeneers, De Backer, S., Tejada, Z. P. J., Delalieux, S., Canto, S. G., Iribas, M. F., van Aardt, J., Coppin, P., and Scheunders, P., Stress detection in orchards with hyperspectral remote sensing data, in SPIE Remote Sensing, Stockholm, Sweden, september 11-14, 2006, vol. 6359.
J. Driesen and Scheunders, P., Wavelet based segmentation of multi-component images, in IEEE BENELUX/DSP Valley Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-DARTS) March 28-29, Antwerp, Belgium, 2006, pp. 151-154.
P. Scheunders and De Backer, S., Wavelet Denoising of multicomponent images using a Gaussian Scale Mixture model, in ICPR’06, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, august 20-24, 2006, vol. 3, pp. 754-757.
