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T. Huysmans, Bernat, A., Sijbers, J., Parizel, P. M., Van Glabbeek, F., and Verdonk, B., Shape Analysis of the Human Clavicle for the Development of a Set of osteosynthesis Plates, in Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering - IEEE/EMBS Benelux Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 2006, pp. 128-129.PDF icon Full text (103.17 KB)
T. Huysmans, Sijbers, J., and Verdonk, B., Statistical shape models for tubular objects, in Proceedings of IEEE BENELUX/DSP Valley Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-DARTS), Antwerp, Belgium, 2006, pp. 155-158.PDF icon Full text (1.06 MB)
P. Kempeneers, De Backer, S., Tejada, Z. P. J., Delalieux, S., Canto, S. G., Iribas, M. F., van Aardt, J., Coppin, P., and Scheunders, P., Stress detection in orchards with hyperspectral remote sensing data, in SPIE Remote Sensing, Stockholm, Sweden, september 11-14, 2006, vol. 6359.
W. Pintjens, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., and Van Der Linden, A., A total correction scheme for EPI distortions at high field, in 22th Annual Scientific Meeting - European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Warsaw, Poland, 2006, pp. 328-329.
K. J. Batenburg and Sijbers, J., Trabecular bone reconstruction from micro-CT data using discrete tomography, in Proceedings of SPS-DARTS 2006 (The second annual IEEE BENELUX/DSP Valley Signal Processing Symposium), Antwerp, Belgium, 2006, pp. 65-69.
G. De Groof, Verhoye, M., Leemans, A., and Van Der Linden, A., Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to assess the neuronal plasticity and neuroconnectivity in the brain of a songbird, in Molecular & Cellular Basis of Neuroconnectivity, Leuven, Belgium, 2006.
G. De Groof, Verhoye, M., Leemans, A., and Van Der Linden, A., Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to assess the neuronal plasticity in the brain of a songbird, in XXeme Congres du Groupement d'Etudes de Resonance Magnetique, Blankenberge, Belgium, 2006.
A. Karami, M.Rashidinejad,, and Gharaveisi, A. A., Voltage Security Enhancement by Optimal FACTS Location via RGA, TPE conference. 2006.
J. Driesen and Scheunders, P., Wavelet based segmentation of multi-component images, in IEEE BENELUX/DSP Valley Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-DARTS) March 28-29, Antwerp, Belgium, 2006, pp. 151-154.
P. Scheunders and De Backer, S., Wavelet Denoising of multicomponent images using a Gaussian Scale Mixture model, in ICPR’06, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, august 20-24, 2006, vol. 3, pp. 754-757.
P. Scheunders and De Backer, S., Wavelet Denoising of multicomponent images using a noise-free image, in ICIP’06, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Atlanta, Georgia, October 8-11, 2006, pp. 2619-2622.
N. Van Camp, Blockx, I., Camon, L., de Vera, N., Verhoye, M., Leemans, A., Martinez, E., Sijbers, J., Planas, A., and Van Der Linden, A., White and grey matters changes in a rat model for Huntington's disease discerned with in vivo DTI, in 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Warsaw, Poland, 2006, pp. 210-211.
J. Blanc-Talon, Philips, W., Popescu, D., and Scheunders, P., ACIVS 2007, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4678. Springer, pp. 1-1095, 2007.
J. Sijbers, Poot, D. H. J., den Dekker, A. J., and Pintjens, W., Automatic estimation of the noise variance from the histogram of a magnetic resonance image, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 52, pp. 1335-1348, 2007.PDF icon Download paper (297.18 KB)
K. J. Batenburg and Sijbers, J., Automatic multiple threshold scheme for segmentation of tomograms, in Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging: Physics of Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007.PDF icon Download full paper (630.82 KB)
P. Scheunders, De Backer, S., Pizurica, A., Huysmans, B., and Philips, W., Bayesian Wavelet-based Denoising of Multicomponent Images, in Proceedings Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing V, part of SPIE Optics East, Boston, MA, 9-12 september, Vol. 6763-OK (12 pages), 2007.
J. Juntu, Sijbers, J., and Van Dyck, D., Classification of soft tissue tumors in MRI images using kernel PCA and regularized least square classifier, in Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2007, pp. 362–367.
Z. Mai, Huysmans, T., and Sijbers, J., Colon Visualization Using Cylindrical Parameterization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4678, pp. 607-615, 2007.PDF icon Full text (1.44 MB)
W. Van Hecke, D'Agostino, E., Leemans, A., Parizel, P. M., Maes, F., and Sijbers, J., On the construction of a healthy brain inter-subject diffusion tensor image and tractography atlas, in 32nd Congress of the Europea Society of NeuroRadiolog, 2007, p. 146.
K. J. Batenburg and Sijbers, J., DART: a fast heuristic algebraic reconstruction algorithm for discrete tomography, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2007.PDF icon Download paper (415.32 KB)
A. Smolders, Data-driven methods for the analysis of time-resolved mental chronometry fMRI data sets, 2007.PDF icon Download thesis (3.79 MB)
W. Van Hecke, Leemans, A., De Brabander, N., Laridon, A., Claeys, K., Ceulemans, B., Van Goethem, J., Parizel, P. M., and Sijbers, J., Diffusion Tensor Fiber Tracking Reveals Probst Bundles in Patients with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, in 32nd Congress of the Europea Society of NeuroRadiolog, 2007, p. 135.
P. M. Parizel and Van Hecke, W., Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Is it really useful?, in 32nd Congress of the Europea Society of NeuroRadiolog, 2007.
W. Van Hecke, Leemans, A., Sijbers, J., Parizel, P. M., and Van Goethem, J., Diffusion Tensor Tractoghraphy Reaveals Spinal Cord Alterations in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, in 32nd Congress of the Europea Society of NeuroRadiolog, 2007, p. 129.
A. Smolders, Martino, D. F., Staeren, N., Scheunders, P., Sijbers, J., Goebel, R., and Formisano, E., Dissecting cognitive stages with time-resolved fMRI data: a comparison of fuzzy clustering and independent component analysis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 25, pp. 860-868, 2007.PDF icon Download paper (658.36 KB)
