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Book Chapter
A. De Backer, Fatermans, J., den Dekker, A. J., and Van Aert, S., Chapter Eight - General conclusions and future perspectives, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 217, Science Direct Elsevier, 2021.
A. J. den Dekker and Sijbers, J., Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in Series: Signal Processing and Communications, vol. 27, L. Landini, Ed. Marcel Dekker, 2005, pp. 85-143.
F. Danckaers, Huysmans, T., and Sijbers, J., Adaptable digital human models from 3D body scans, in DHM and Posturography, vol. VI, Academic Press, 2019, pp. 459-470.
