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“Constrained spherical deconvolution based tractography and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease”, International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease. Paris, France, 2011.
, “Constrained spherical deconvolution based tractography and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease”, Congress of the International Society for Vascular, Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders, vol. 5. Lille, France, 2011.
, “Constrained spherical deconvolution based tractography and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease”, Human Brain Mapping. Québec, Canada, 2011.
, “Correction of DWI gradient orientations using registration techniques”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Hoeven, The Netherlands. 2011.
, “Denoising magnitude MRI using an adaptive NLML method”, ESMRMB Congress 28th Annual Scientific Meeting. Leipzig, Germay, p. 383, 2011.
, “Denoising of DKI images: effect on feasibility and accuracy of kurtosis parameters”, ESMRMB, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 28th Annual Scientific Meeting. Leipzig, Germany, p. 236, 2011. Abstract (313.22 KB) Presentation (1.13 MB)
, “Denoising SENSE reconstructed MR images”, 5th Annual Symposium of the Benelux Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2011.
, “Diffusion and kurtosis parameters in white matter of premature newborns”, WMSG, White Matter Study Group, International Workshop on Advanced White Matter Imaging. Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 21, 2011. Abstract (378.88 KB) Poster (363.19 KB)
, “Diffusion kurtosis abnormalities in pre-symptomatic (alpha)-synycleunopathy mouse model”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Hoeven, The Netherlands, 2011.
, “Diffusion tensor imaging and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease: the influence of crossing fibers”, Endo-Neuro Psycho Meeting. Lunteren, The Netherlands, 2011.
, “Distortion correction of DKI data: affine approach”, 10th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering – joint meeting with IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter. 2011. Abstract (362.44 KB) Poster (716.34 KB)
, “An extended NLML method for denoising non-central chi distributed data - application to parallel MRI”, Fourth Annual Meeting of the Benelux ISMRM chapter. p. 41, 2011.
, “Fiber architecture of the female pelvic floor: An exploratory investigation using different diffusion MRI tractography algorithms”, ISMRM, 19th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Montreal, Canada, 2011.
, “Gibbs artifact suppression for DT-MRI data”, 10th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering – joint meeting with IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter. 2011.
, “Mean Kurtosis: a new potential biomarker for brain tumor grading”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Hoeven, The Netherlands, 2011. Download abstract (369.6 KB)
, “Mediolateral shape and curvature analysis of the clavicle”, 21st Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society in Newcastle. 2011.
, “Registration based correction of DWI gradient orientations”, ISMRM, 19th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Montreal, Canada, 2011.
, “Robust edge directed interpolation of diffusion weighted MR images”, ESMRMB Congress 28th Annual Scientific Meeting. p. 382, 2011.
, “Robust Edge-directed Interpolation: Application to Diffusion MR Images”, The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2011.
, “Ultra-High Resolution Electron Tomography for Materials Science: A Roadmap”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011 Meeting. Nashville, TN, United States, 2011.
, “White Matter Tract Deficits in Schizophrenia”, Neuroscience Ireland Conference, vol. 7. Dublin, Ireland, 2011.
, “Assessing the implications of complex fiber configurations for DTI metrics in real data sets”, ISMRM, 20th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia, p. 3584, 2012.
, “Correction of Gibbs ringing in diffusion MRI data using total variation regularization”, Fourth Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. p. 99, 2012.
, “Discrete algebraic reconstruction in MRI: a simulation study”, ESMRMB CONGRESS 2012: 29th Annual Scientific Meeting, vol. 25, no. 1. pp. 480-481, 2012. Download abstract (194.48 KB)
, “A framework for markerless alignment with full 3D flexibility”, European Microscopy Conference. 2012. Download abstract (117.9 KB)