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K. Stanković, Danckaers, F., Booth, B. G., Burg, F., Duerinck, S., Sijbers, J., and Huysmans, T., Foot Abnormality Mapping using Statistical Shape Modelling, in 7th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies (3DBST), 2016, Lugano, Switzerland, 30 November - 1 December., pp. 70-79.
J. Van Houtte, Stanković, K., Booth, B. G., Danckaers, F., Bertrand, V., Verstreken, F., Sijbers, J., and Huysmans, T., An Articulating Statistical Shape Model of the Human Hand, in Advances in Human Factors in Simulation and Modeling (AHFE 2018), Cham, 2019, vol. 780, pp. 433–445.