SSMTK: Statistical Shape Modelling Toolkit
This toolkit contains a collection of algorithms, implemented in C++ and Python, used for statistical shape modeling and analysis of 3D surface populations:
- 3D surface parameterization algorithms for disc, sphere, and cylinder topology
- 3D surface alignment
- Parameterization-based MDL correspondence optimization for disc and cylinder topology
- elasticity and model regularized 3D surface registration
- GUI for surface annotation
- Statistical hypothesis testing for surface-based shape analysis
“Automatic Construction of Correspondences for Tubular Surfaces”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 32, pp. 636-651, 2010. Download paper (3.46 MB)
“Parameterization and Correspondence for Improved Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Tubular Surfaces.”, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 2009. Download Thesis (40.14 MB)
“Parameterization of tubular surfaces on the cylinder”, Journal of the Winter School of Computer Graphics, vol. 13, pp. 97-104, 2005. Download paper (798.29 KB)
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