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“Nonlocal maximum likelihood estimation method for denoising multiple-coil magnetic resonance images.”, Magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1512-8, 2012.
, “Through the Looking-Glass, and What the Quadratic Camera Found There”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 30 - 34, 2012.
, “Assessment and Stenting of Tracheal Stenosis using Deformable Shape Models”, Medical Image Analysis, vol. 15, pp. 250-266, 2011.
, “Bias field reduction by localized Lloyd-Max quantization”, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 536-545, 2011.
, “Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor Using a Rician Noise Model”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 66, pp. 678-686, 2011. Download paper (712.6 KB)
, “DART: A practical reconstruction algorithm for discrete tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, pp. 2542-2553, 2011. Download paper (2.12 MB)
, “The effect of template selection on diffusion tensor voxel based analysis results”, NeuroImage, vol. 55, pp. 566-573, 2011.
, “Enhanced visualization of hyperspectral images”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing letters, vol. 8, pp. 869-873, 2011.
, “Fully constrained least-squares spectral unmixing by simplex projection”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 4112-4122, 2011. PDF (1.11 MB) Matlab code (1.93 KB)
, “Geodesics on the Manifold of Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions With an Application to Multicomponent Texture Discrimination”, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 95, pp. 265-286, 2011.
, “Iterative correction of beam hardening artifacts in CT”, Medical Physics, vol. 38, pp. 36-49, 2011.
, “Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy reveal differential hippocampal changes in anhedonic and resilient subtypes of the chronic mild stress rat model”, Biological psychiatry, vol. 70, pp. 449-457, 2011.
, “Maximum likelihood estimation based denoising of magnetic resonance images using restricted local neighborhoods”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 56, pp. 5221-5234, 2011. Download full paper (643.93 KB)
, “More accurate estimation of diffusion tensor parameters using diffusion kurtosis imaging”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 65, pp. 138-145, 2011. Download paper (387.31 KB)
, “Nonlinear spectral unmixing by geodesic simplex volume maximization”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 5, pp. 534-542, 2011.
, “Optimal threshold selection for segmentation of dense homogeneous objects in tomographic reconstructions”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 30, pp. 980-989, 2011. Download paper (1.59 MB)
, “Performance improvements for iterative electron tomography reconstruction using graphics processing units (GPUs)”, Journal of structural biology, vol. 176, no. 2, pp. 250-253, 2011. Download paper (527.21 KB)
, “Population-averaged diffusion tensor imaging atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain”, NeuroImage, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 975-983, 2011.
, “Probabilistic fiber tracking using the residual bootstrap with constrained spherical deconvolution”, Human Brain Mapping, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 461 - 479, 2011.
, “Quantitative Evaluation of 10 Tractography Algorithms on a Realistic Diffusion MR Phantom”, NeuroImage, vol. 56, pp. 220-234, 2011.
, “Robust edge-directed interpolation of magnetic resonance images”, Physics in medicine and biology, vol. 56, pp. 7287-7303, 2011. Download paper (1.3 MB)
, “A Semi-Automatic Algorithm for Grey Level Estimation in Tomography”, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 32, pp. 1395-1405, 2011.
, “Automatic Construction of Correspondences for Tubular Surfaces”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 32, pp. 636-651, 2010. Download paper (3.46 MB)
, “Comparing isotropic and anisotropic smoothing for voxel-based DTI analyses: A simulation study”, Human Brain Mapping, vol. 31, pp. 98-114, 2010.
, “Correlation of cognitive dysfunction and diffusion tensor MRI measures in patients with mild and moderate multiple sclerosis”, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 31, pp. 1492-1498, 2010.