“Statistical shape modelling in support of user-centred BCI headset design”, BBCI Workshop 2012 on Advances in Neurotechnology. 2012.
Download abstract (310.9 KB)
“Evaluation of an anthropometric shape model of the human scalp”, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 48, pp. 70-85, 2015.
Paper (3.63 MB)
Shape matrix (cfr section 2.1.1) (36.93 MB)
Measurement matrix (cfr section 2.2.1) (20.05 KB)
Labeled measurements (cfr section 2.2.1) (47.63 KB)

“The application of 3D anthropometry for the development of headgear: a case study on the design of ergonometric brain-computer interfaces”, 2017.
Download thesis (3.52 MB)
“Ergonomic design of an EEG headset using 3D anthropometry”, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 58, pp. 128–136, 2017.
, “Product sizing with 3D anthropometry and k-medoids clustering”, Computer-Aided Design, vol. 91, pp. 60-74, 2017.