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Book Chapter
D. Van Dyck, Bettens, E., Sijbers, J., den Dekker, A. J., van den Bos, A., Op de Beeck, M., Jansen, J., and Zandbergen, H., Resolving atoms: what do we have? what do we want?, in Institute of Physics Conference Series, vol. 153, J. M. Rodenburg, Ed. Cambridge, UK: Institute of Physics Ltd, 1997, pp. 95-100.
Conference Abstract
S. Van Aert, De Backer, A., De wael, A., Fatermans, J., Friedrich, T., Lobato, I., O'Leary, C. M., Varambhia, A., Altantzis, T., Jones, L., den Dekker, A. J., Nellist, P. D., and Bals, S., 3D Atomic Scale Quantification of Nanostructures and their Dynamics Using Model-based STEM, Microscopy & Microanalysis 2020 (online), Milwaukee, United States. 2020.
J. Fatermans, den Dekker, A. J., O'Leary, C. M., Nellist, P. D., and Van Aert, S., Atom column detection from STEM images using the maximum a posteriori probability rule, MC 2019, Berlin, Germany. 2019.
S. Van Aert, Fatermans, J., De Backer, A., van den Bos, K. H. W., O'Leary, C. M., Müller-Caspary, K., Jones, L., Lobato, I., Béché, A., den Dekker, A. J., Bals, S., and Nellist, P. D., Maximising dose efficiency in quantitative STEM to reveal the 3D atomic structure of nanomaterials, IMC19, Sydney, Australia. 2018.
F. L. Wuyts, Jillings, S., Van Ombergen, A., Jeurissen, B., Tomilovskaya, E., Rumshiskaya, A., Litvinova, L., Nosikova, I., Pechenkova, E., Rukavishnikov, I., and others, Novel insight on effect and recovery of long-duration spaceflight on the ventricles of the space traveller's brain, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, vol. 2019. International Astronautical Federation, p. IAC–19_A1_2_4_x51230, 2019.
G. Van Eyndhoven, Batenburg, K. J., Oers, C. V., Kurttepeli, M., Bals, S., Cool, P., and Sijbers, J., Reliable Pore-size Measurements Based on a Procedure Specifically Designed for Electron Tomography Measurements of Nanoporous Samples, International Congress on 3D Materials Science 2014 . 2014.
M. Ouwendijk, Slingerland, N., van Nistelrooij, J., Huysmans, T., Van de Casteele, E., Van Glabbeek, F., Meermans, G., and Verstreken, F., Screw fixation of simulated scaphoid waist fractures: a biomechanical comparison of two screw lengths., European Federation of National Associatinos of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), 18th ANNUAL CONGRESS, VIENNA, AUSTRIA. 2017.
N. J. Forde, Scanlon, C., Emsell, L., O'Donoghue, S., Chaddock, C., Leemans, A., Jeurissen, B., Cannon, D. M., Murray, R. M., and McDonald, C., Structural brain network analysis in families multiply affected with bipolar 1 disorder, International Review of Psychosis & Bipolarity. Athens, Greece, 2014.
Conference Paper
J. Osstyn, Danckaers, F., Van Haver, A., Oramas, J., Vanhees, M., and Sijbers, J., Automated virtual reduction of displaced distal radius fractures, in IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Cartagena, Colombia, 2023, pp. 1-4.
J. Osstyn, Danckaers, F., Van Haver, A., Oramas, J., Vanhees, M., and Sijbers, J., Automated virtual reduction of displaced distal radius fractures, in IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Cartagena, Colombia, 2023, pp. 1-4.
R. F. Kooy, Reyniers, E., Dhooghe, R., De Deyn, P. P., Van Der Linden, A., Verhoye, M., Sijbers, J., Oostra, B. A., and Willems, P. J., Characterization of the Fragile X knockout mouse, in Abstracts of the second annual meeting of the Belgian society of neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium, 1997.
G. A. Pabon Ochoa, Giraldo, D., and Romero, E., Exploring anatomical brain heterogeneity in subjects with mild cognitive impairment, in 2023 19th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM), 2023, pp. 1-5.
M. Verhoye, Van Der Linden, A., Sijbers, J., Scheunders, P., Van Dyck, D., Reyniers, E., Kooy, R. F., Willems, P. J., Cras, P., and Oostra, B. A., High resolution MRI study of the cerebellum of mice as a function of age, in a mouse model for fragile X mental retardation, in Proceedings of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Prague, Czech Republic, 1996, vol. 2, p. 168.
M. Verhoye, Sijbers, J., Scheunders, P., Van Dyck, D., Reyniers, E., Kooy, R. F., Willems, P. J., Cras, P., Oostra, B. A., and Van Der Linden, A., In vivo assessment of cerebellum volume in transgenic fragile X knockout mice using MTI microscopy at 7T, in Proceedings of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology: 14th annual meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 1997, vol. 2, pp. 45-46.
M. Verhoye, Sijbers, J., Kooy, R. F., Reyniers, E., Fransen, E., Oostra, B. A., Willems, P. J., and Van Der Linden, A., In vivo assessment of cerebellum volume in transgenic Fragile X Knockout mice using MRI microscopy at 7T, in Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
R. F. Kooy, Reyniers, E., Verhoye, M., Sijbers, J., Fransen, E., Van Camp, C., Cras, P., Oostra, B. A., Van Der Linden, A., and Willems, P. J., MRI as a tool to study brain structure from mouse models of mental retardation, in Abstracts of the 8th international workshop on Fragile X syndrome and X-linked mental retardation, Picton, Ontario, Canada, 1997.
M. Verhoye, Sijbers, J., Kooy, R. F., Reyniers, E., Fransen, E., Oostra, B. A., Willems, P. J., and Van Der Linden, A., MRI as a tool to study brain structure from mouse models of mental retardation, in Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, USA, 1998, vol. 3337, pp. 314-320.
R. F. Kooy, Reyniers, E., Verhoye, M., Sijbers, J., Oostra, B. A., Willems, P. J., and Van Der Linden, A., Neuroanatomy of the fragile X knockout mouse brain studied using high-resolution MRI, in 48th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Denver, CO (USA), 1998, p. 1918.
J. Osstyn, Danckaers, F., Verstreken, A., Van Haver, A., Vanhees, M., and Sijbers, J., Statistical shape model guided virtual reduction of displaced distal radius fractures, in IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 1-5.
Journal Article
P. Lopes, Van Herck, P., Ooms, J., Van Mieghem, N., Wirix-Speetjens, R., Sijbers, J., Vander Sloten, J., and Bosmans, J., Automated Mitral Valve Assessment for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement (TMVR) Planning, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 16, pp. 1-13, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (2.19 MB)
A. Doroshin, Jillings, S., Jeurissen, B., Tomilovskaya, E., Pechenkova, E. V., Nosikova, I., Rumshiskaya, A., Litvinova, L., Rukavishnikov, I., De Laet, C., Schoenmaekers, C., Sijbers, J., Laureys, S. S. L., Petrovichev, V., Van Ombergen, A., Annen, J., Sunaert, S., Parizel, P. M., Sinitsyn, V., Eulenburg, Pzu, Osipowicz, K., and Wuyts, F. L., Brain Connectometry Changes in Space Travelers After Long-Duration Spaceflight, Front. Neural Circuits, vol. 16, 2022.
E. Bettens, Scheunders, P., Van Dyck, D., Moens, L., and Osta, V. P., Computer Analysis of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Gels : A New Segmentation and Modeling Algorithm, Electrophoresis, vol. 18, pp. 792-798, 1997.
P. Lo, van Ginneken, B., Reinhardt, J. M., Yavarna, T., de Jong, P. A., Irving, B., Fetita, C., Ortner, M., Pinho, R., Sijbers, J., Feuerstein, M., Fabijańska, A., Bauer, C., Beichel, R., Mendoza, C. S., Wiemker, R., Lee, J., Reeves, A. P., Born, S., Weinheimer, O., van Rikxoort, E. M., Tschirren, J., Mori, K., Odry, B., Naidich, D. P., Hartmann, I., Hoffman, E. A., Prokop, M., Pedersen, J. H., and de Bruijne, M., Extraction of airways from CT (EXACT'09)., IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 2093-107, 2012.
P. Lo, van Ginneken, B., Reinhardt, J. M., Yavarna, T., de Jong, P. A., Irving, B., Fetita, C., Ortner, M., Pinho, R., Sijbers, J., Feuerstein, M., Fabijańska, A., Bauer, C., Beichel, R., Mendoza, C. S., Wiemker, R., Lee, J., Reeves, A. P., Born, S., Weinheimer, O., van Rikxoort, E. M., Tschirren, J., Mori, K., Odry, B., Naidich, D. P., Hartmann, I., Hoffman, E. A., Prokop, M., Pedersen, J. H., and de Bruijne, M., Extraction of airways from CT (EXACT'09)., IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 2093-107, 2012.
D. Van Dyck, Bettens, E., Sijbers, J., Op de Beeck, M., den Dekker, A. J., and van den Bos, A., From High Resolution Image to Atomic Structure: how fare are we?, Scanning Microscopy, Special Issue on Image Processing, vol. 11, pp. 467-478, 1997.
