
Céline Smekens and Quinten Beirinckx received a Magna Cum Laude Merit Award for their work Super-resolution T2* mapping of the knee using UTE Spiral VIBE MRI to be presented at the upcoming ISMRM meeting. The 29th Annual Meeting & Exhibition from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine will take place on-line from May 15 to 20 and will attract over 5000 attendees. Presentation is scheduled on Wednesday May 19 at 19:00 UTC. Congratulations!

Jan Morez won the signal forecast challenge for MRI with double diffusion encoding at the 2020 ISBI White Matter Microstructure with Diffusion MRI Challenge. ISBI or the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, is a yearly scientific conference dedicated to mathematical, algorithmic, and computational aspects of biological and biomedical imaging, across all scales of observation. Congratulations Jan!

Ben Jeurissen received two Magna Cum Laude Merit Awards, for his research to be presented at the upcoming ISMRM meeting. The 26th Annual Meeting & Exhibition from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine will take place from June 16 to 21 in Paris, France and will attract over 5000 attendees.

Gabriel Ramos-Llordén and Ben Jeurissen received a Magna and Summa Cum Laude Merit Award, respectively, for their research to be presented at the upcoming ISMRM meeting. The 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine will take place from 30 May to 5 June in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and will attract over 5000 attendees.


On June 8th, Ben Jeurissen was awarded the “2014 Editors’ Choice Award” by Peter T. Fox, Founding Editor-in-Chief of Human Brain Mapping, for his paper "Investigating the prevalence of complex fiber configurations in white matter tissue with diffusion MRI" (HBM-11-0658). The award ceremony took place in the CCH-Congress Center in Hamburg, Germany.

Each year, the editors of NeuroImage and Human Brain Mapping, award the "Editors' Choice Awards" at the Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. The award honors the best paper of the year in each journal.

Candidates for the Editor's Choice Award were nominated by the Associate Editors of Human Brain Mapping. The final selection was made by Editors-in-Chief (Jack Lancaster and Peter Fox), after weighing the merits of all the nominated papers. This year, there were many outstanding papers nominated, but Ben Jeurissen’s was considered the finest.

On May 12th, Ben Jeurissen was designated a "Junior Fellow of the Society" by Peter Jezzard, President of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). The award ceremony took place in the Gold Plenary hall of the Milano Congressi building in Milan, Italy.

The review committee was impressed with Ben Jeurissen’s past commitment and contributions to the ISMRM, his publication history, as well as his scientific contribution to this year’s meeting in Milan.

The award recognizes Ben Jeurissen as a young researcher of outstanding quality and promise, with a significant potential for helping the Society in fulfilling its scientific and educational mission.

Naomi Christis, Ruben Beldé, and Femke Danckaers

On May 13th, Femke Danckaers, Naomi Christis , and Ruben Beldé received the prestigious "Belgian Industrial Research & Development (BiR&D) Interdisciplinary Master of Science Thesis Programme 2012"-award from Marc Van Den Neste (President of BiR&D) for their joint project "Anthropometrics 2.0". The award ceremony took place in the Diamond Building in Brussels under the watchful eye of FWO / FNRS and numerous representatives of the Belgian Industry (AGFA, Alcatel - Lucent, Umicore, UCB, Solvay, P&G,...) .

The students received this recognition for their joint work on the incorporation of 3D statistical shape models in the design process for wearable products. For each of the students, this led to the submission and successful defense of their Masters thesis for obtaining the degree of Master of Sciences in 2013. During their research, the students were guided by the research teams Vision Lab (Physics), CoSysLab (Applied Engineering) , and Product Development (Design Sciences).

In addition, their Anthropometrics 2.0 project led to a doctoral project for Femke (who is now at the Vision Lab) and a closer cooperation between Vision Lab and Product Development with a first joint project CADANS (IWT TETRA 2014-2016)

Congratulations Femke!

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