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“Diffusion-weighted imaging reveals structural brain changes in cosmonauts after long-duration spaceflight”, 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 32 (Suppl. 1). p. Magn Reson Mater Phy. 2019; 32(Suppl. 1):S101, 2019.
, “Diffusion time dependence in the mid-time regime: a simulation study using PGSE.”, 27th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. Montreal, Canada, 2019.
, “Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft”, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25. p. 377, 2017.
, “Diffusion tensor imaging and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease: the influence of crossing fibers”, Endo-Neuro Psycho Meeting. Lunteren, The Netherlands, 2011.
, “Diffusion MRI reveals macro- and microstructural changes in cosmonauts' brains after long-duration spaceflight”, Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 28. p. 4531, 2020.
, “Diffusion kurtosis imaging probes cortical alterations and white matter pathology following cuprizone-induced demyelination and spontaneous remyelination”, ISMRM 23th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. 23. 2015.
Download abstract (866.27 KB)
“Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) reveals an early phenotype (P30) in a transgenic rat model for Huntington’s disease”, ISMRM conference proceedings, vol. 2009. p. 359, 2009.
, “Diffusion kurtosis abnormalities in pre-symptomatic (alpha)-synycleunopathy mouse model”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Hoeven, The Netherlands, 2011.
, “Diffusion and kurtosis parameters in white matter of premature newborns”, WMSG, White Matter Study Group, International Workshop on Advanced White Matter Imaging. Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 21, 2011.
Abstract (378.88 KB)
Poster (363.19 KB)

“Detection of atomic columns from noisy STEM images”, Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC 2017), Lausanne, Switzerland. pp. 445-446, 2017.
, “Denoising SENSE reconstructed MR images”, 5th Annual Symposium of the Benelux Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2011.
, “Denoising of DKI images: effect on feasibility and accuracy of kurtosis parameters”, ESMRMB, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 28th Annual Scientific Meeting. Leipzig, Germany, p. 236, 2011.
Abstract (313.22 KB)
Presentation (1.13 MB)

“Denoising magnitude MRI using an adaptive NLML method”, ESMRMB Congress 28th Annual Scientific Meeting. Leipzig, Germay, p. 383, 2011.
, “Deep learning based missing wedge artefact removal for electron tomography”, Microscopy Conference, Berlin, Germany. pp. 660-661, 2019.
, “A deep learning approach to T1 mapping in quantitative MRI”, 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology (ESMRMB), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 32 (Suppl. 1). Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2019.
, “Decoding Multiple Sclerosis EDSS disability scores from MRI using Deep Learning”, 38th Annual Scientific Meeting Congress of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, vol. 34. pp. S57-S58, 2021.
, “CSF partial volume modeling in diffusion kurtosis imaging: a comparative parameter estimation study”, Front. Neuroinform. Conference Abstract: Second Belgian Neuroinformatics Congress. 2015.
, “Counting the number of fiber orientations in diffusion MRI voxels using constrained spherical deconvolution”, 2nd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2010.
, “Correction of Gibbs ringing in diffusion MRI data using total variation regularization”, Fourth Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. p. 99, 2012.
, “Correction of DWI gradient orientations using registration techniques”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Hoeven, The Netherlands. 2011.
, “Construction of a population based diffusion tensor image atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain”, ISMRM, 18th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
, “Constrained spherical deconvolution based tractography and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease”, International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease. Paris, France, 2011.
, “Constrained spherical deconvolution based tractography and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease”, Human Brain Mapping. Québec, Canada, 2011.
, “Constrained spherical deconvolution based tractography and cognition in Alzheimer’s disease”, Congress of the International Society for Vascular, Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders, vol. 5. Lille, France, 2011.
, “Constrained maximum likelihood estimator for more accurate diffusion kurtosis tensor estimates”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Hoeven, The Netherlands, 2011.