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A. Leemans, Van Hecke, W., Lebel, C., Walker, L., Sijbers, J., and Beaulieu, C., A model based approach for voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion tensor data, in Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Berlin, 2007.
A. Leemans and Sijbers, J., Multiresolutional rigid-body registration for space curves, in IEEE Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Brussels, Belgium, 2004, pp. 215-221.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., De Backer, S., Vandervliet, E., and Parizel, P. M., Affine Coregistration of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images Using Mutual Information, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3708, pp. 523-530, 2005.PDF icon Download full paper (1.26 MB)
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., A Simulated Phantom for Diffusion Tensor Fiber Tracking, in IEEE Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Ghent University, Belgium, 2003, pp. 281-285.
A. Leemans, De Backer, S., Sijbers, J., Vandervliet, E., and Parizel, P. M., End point clustering for diffusion tensor white matter fiber bundle tractography, in 22th Annual Scientific Meeting - European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Basle, Switzerland, 2005, pp. 129-130.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., Mathematical Framework for Simulating Diffusion Tensor MR Neural Fiber Bundles, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 53, pp. 944-953, 2005.PDF icon Download full paper (1.55 MB)
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., and Van Der Linden, A., Entropy-based coregistration for DT-MR images using an efficient tensor shape preserving reorientation strategy, in 13th Scientific Meeting - International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Miami, USA, 2005, p. 227.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Van den Broek, W., and Yang, Z., An Interactive Curvature Based Rigid-body Image Registration Technique: an Application to EFTEM, in 13th European Microscopy Congress, Antwerp, Belgium, 2004.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., De Backer, S., Vandervliet, E., and Parizel, P. M., Multiscale white matter fiber tract coregistration: a new feature-based approach to align diffusion tensor data, in 14th Scientific Meeting - International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Seattle, USA, 2006, p. 437.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., White Matter Fiber Bundle Coregistration for Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Tractography, in 13th Annual Meeting - Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists, Kyoto, Japan, 2004.
A. Leemans, Jeurissen, B., Sijbers, J., and Jones, D. K., ExploreDTI: A Graphical Toolbox for Processing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Diffusion MR Data, ISMRM, 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Honolulu, USA, 2009.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., and Parizel, P. M., A Graphical Toolbox for Exploratory Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Fiber Tractography, in 14th Annual Meeting - Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists, Miami, USA, 2005.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., De Backer, S., Vandervliet, E., and Parizel, P. M., Multiscale white matter fiber tract coregistration: a new feature-based approach to align diffusion tensor data, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 55, pp. 1414-1423, 2006.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., and Van Der Linden, A., A Library of 3D synthetic DT-MRI models for testing White Matter fiber Tractography Algorithms, in 21th Annual Scientific Meeting - European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004, p. 42.
A. Leemans, Modeling and Processing of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images for Improved Analysis of Brain Connectivity, 2006.
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., A Geometric Color Scheme for Visualizing Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Fiber Pathways, in 19th Annual Symposium - Belgian Hospital Physicists Association, Brussels, Belgium, 2004.
Z. Liang, Van Heteren, A., Sijbers, J., and De Beenhouwer, J., Toward denoising of 3D CT scans with few data, in e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2023, vol. 28, no. 3.PDF icon Download paper (5.93 MB)
W. Liao, Huang, F., v. Coillie, F., Thoonen, G., Pizurica, A., Scheunders, P., and Philips, W., Two-stage fusion of thermal hyperspectral and visible RGB image by PCA and guided filter, in IEEE Whispers 2015, Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, June 2-5, Tokyo, 2015.
W. Liao, M Mura, D., Huang, X., Chanussot, J., Gautama, S., Scheunders, P., and Philips, W., Lidar information extraction by attribute filters with partial reconstruction, in IEEE IGARSS 2016, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 1484-1487, Beijing, July 10-15 , 2016.
W. Liao, Pizurica, A., Scheunders, P., Philips, W., and Pi, Y., Semi-supervised local discriminant analysis for feature extraction in hyperspectral images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 184-198, 2013.
Y. - T. Ling, Cools, S., De Beenhouwer, J., Sijbers, J., and Vandervorst, W., A Trajectory Based Bottom-Up Volume Reconstruction Method for Atom Probe Tomography, European Atom Probe Workshop. 2019.
Y. - T. Ling, Cools, S., Bogdanowicz, J., Fleischmann, C., De Beenhouwer, J., Sijbers, J., and Vandervorst, W., A Bottom-Up Volume Reconstruction Method for Atom Probe Tomography, Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1-14, 2022.
G. Liu, Nath, T., Guo, Z., Linneweber, G., Claeys, A., Li, J., Bengochea, M., De Backer, S., Weyn, B., Sneyders, M., Nicasy, H., Yu, P., Scheunders, P., and Hassan, B., A simple computer vision pipeline reveals the effects of isolation on social interaction dynamics in Drosophila, Plos Computational Biology, vol. 14, no. 8, p. e1006410, 2018.
S. Livens, Van Roost, C., Scheunders, P., and Van Dyck, D., Granulometric segmentation using a gradient convergence map, in Proc. Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis , Lappeenranta, Finland, 9-11/6, 1997, pp. 389-396.
S. Livens, Scheunders, P., Van de Wouwer, G., Vautrot, P., and Van Dyck, D., Wavelets for texture analysis, an overview, in Proc. IEE International Conference on Image Processing and Applications , Dublin, 14-17 july, 1997, pp. 581-585.
