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“A Visual Tool for the Analysis of Algorithms for Tomographic Fiber Reconstruction in Materials Science”, Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 273-283, 2019.
, “Women's preferences for male facial masculinity are not condition-dependent in a large online study”, The All Results Journals: Biol, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019.
, “Advanced X-ray tomography: experiment, modeling, and algorithms”, Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 8, p. 080101, 2018.
, “Brain Tissue–Volume Changes in Cosmonauts”, New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 379, no. 17, pp. 1678 - 1680, 2018.
, “Close-range hyperspectral image analysis for the early detection of plant stress responses in individual plants in a high-throughput phenotyping platform”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing , vol. 138, pp. 121-138, 2018.
, “Diffusion kurtosis imaging allows the early detection and longitudinal follow-up of amyloid β-induced pathology.”, Alzheimer's Research & Therapy , vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2018.
, “Diffusion kurtosis imaging with free water elimination: a Bayesian estimation approach”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 802-813, 2018. Download paper (1.93 MB)
, “Discrete tomography in an in vivo small animal bone study”, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 40–53, 2018.
, “Enhanced contrast in X-ray microtomographic images of the membranous labyrinth using different X-ray sources and scanning modes”, Journal of Anatomy, vol. 233, p. 770--782, 2018. Download paper (1.44 MB)
, “High quality statistical shape modelling of the human nasal cavity and applications”, Royal Society Open Science, vol. 5, no. 12, 2018. Download paper (1.85 MB)
, “IntensityPatches and RegionPatches for Image Recognition”, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 62, pp. 176-186, 2018.
, , “Neural network Hilbert transform based filtered backprojection for fast inline X-ray inspection”, Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 3, 2018. Download paper (3.4 MB)
, “A new data structure and workflow for using 3D anthropometry in the design of wearable products”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 64, pp. 108 - 117, 2018.
, “Noise reduction in hyperspectral imagery: overview and application”, Remote Sensing , vol. 10, no. 3, p. 482, 2018.
, “NOVIFAST: A fast algorithm for accurate and precise VFA MRI T1 mapping”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 2414 - 2427, 2018. Download paper (3.3 MB)
, “Parametric Reconstruction of Glass Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites from X-ray Projection Data - A Simulation Study”, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, vol. 37, no. 62, pp. 1573-4862, 2018.
, “Principal component analysis as a tool for determining optimal tibial baseplate geometry in modern TKA design”, Acta Orthop Belg, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 452-460, 2018.
, “The role of whole-brain diffusion MRI as a tool for studying human in vivo cortical segregation based on a measure of neurite density”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 79, no. 5, pp. 2738–2744, 2018.
, “A simple computer vision pipeline reveals the effects of isolation on social interaction dynamics in Drosophila”, Plos Computational Biology, vol. 14, no. 8, p. e1006410, 2018.
, “Simulations of a Multipinhole SPECT Collimator for Clinical Dopamine Transporter (DAT) Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, vol. 2, pp. 444-451, 2018.
, “Single Atom Detection from Low Contrast-to-Noise Ratio Electron Microscopy Images”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 121, p. 056101, 2018.
, “STAPP: SpatioTemporal Analysis of Plantar Pressure Measurements using Statistical Parametric Mapping”, Gait and Posture, vol. 3, no. 63, pp. 268-275, 2018.
, “A three-dimensional digital neurological atlas of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii)”, NeuroImage, vol. 183, pp. 300-313, 2018.
, “Three-dimensional quantitative analysis of healthy foot shape: a proof of concept study”, Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1-13, 2018. Download paper (2.24 MB)