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“Diffusion kurtosis imaging probes cortical alterations and white matter pathology following cuprizone-induced demyelination and spontaneous remyelination”, ISMRM 23th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. 23. 2015. Download abstract (866.27 KB)
, “Investigating lattice strain in Au nanodecahedrons”, European Microscopy Congress 2016. 2016.
, “Fixel-Based Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Using Multi-Tissue Constrained Spherical Deconvolution of Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI”, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25. p. 400, 2017.
, “Fiber architecture of the female pelvic floor: An exploratory investigation using different diffusion MRI tractography algorithms”, ISMRM, 19th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Montreal, Canada, 2011.
, “Edge Illumination Phase Contrast Simulations Using the OptiX GPU Ray Tracing Engine”, 5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures (ICTMS). 2022.
, “White Matter Tract Deficits in Schizophrenia”, Neuroscience Ireland Conference, vol. 7. Dublin, Ireland, 2011.
, “Structural brain network analysis in families multiply affected with bipolar 1 disorder”, International Review of Psychosis & Bipolarity. Athens, Greece, 2014.
, “Bayesian model-order selection in electron microscopy to detect atomic columns in noisy images”, RBSM 2016, Brussels, Belgium. p. 53, 2016.
, “Detection of atomic columns from noisy STEM images”, Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC 2017), Lausanne, Switzerland. pp. 445-446, 2017.
, “Bayesian analysis of noisy scanning transmission electron microscopy images for single atom detection”, SCANDEM 2018, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. p. 95, 2018.
, “The maximum a posteriori probability rule to detect single atoms from low signal-to-noise ratio scanning transmission electron microscopy images”, IMC19, Sydney, Australia. 2018.
, “Bayesian model selection for atom column detection from ABF-ADF STEM images”, Virtual Early Career EMC 2020 (online), Copenhagen, Denmark. 2020.
, “Atom column detection from STEM images using the maximum a posteriori probability rule”, MC 2019, Berlin, Germany. 2019.
, “Atom detection from electron microscopy images”, RBSM 2019, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. p. 15, 2019.
, “Parametric Reconstruction of Advanced Glass Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites from X-ray Images”, 8th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography. Wels, Austria, 2018. Download paper (636.09 KB)
, “Mixed-Scale Dense Convolutional Neural Network based Improvement of Glass Fiber-reinforced Composite CT Images”, 4th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures. 2019.
, “Structural alterations of cognitive emotional brain regions are linked to the presence of spinal sensitization in low back pain”, 9th Biennial Congress of the Belgian Back Society, entitled ``The Challenge of activating Patients with Low Back Pain``. 2018.
, “Structural adaptations of cognitive emotional brain regions are linked to endogenous pain modulation: a psychophysical and brain imaging study in healthy people and in low back pain”, 10th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain. p. 399, 2019.
, “Time to Move On: An FOD-Based DEC Map to Replace DTI's Trademark DEC FA”, ISMRM 23th Annual Meeting. p. 1027, 2015.
, “DKI visualizes hippocampal alterations in the chronic mild stress ratmodel”, ISMRM conference proceedings, vol. 2009. p. 744, 2009.
, “Diffusion kurtosis abnormalities in pre-symptomatic (alpha)-synycleunopathy mouse model”, 3rd meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter. Hoeven, The Netherlands, 2011.
, “Inversion Recovery DTI In Vivo at 7T in the Human Brain”, ISMRM 23th Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, p. 567, 2015.
, “A framework for markerless alignment with full 3D flexibility”, European Microscopy Conference. 2012. Download abstract (117.9 KB)
, “Building 3D Statistical Shape Models of Vegetables and Fruit”, National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences 2016 (NSABS). 2016.
, “Building a statistical shape model of the interior and exterior of the bell pepper”, 30th Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems (EFFoST) International Conference, vol. 28-30 November. Vienna, Austria, 2016.