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E. Fransen, Dhooghe, R., Van Camp, G., Verhoye, M., Sijbers, J., Reyniers, E., Soriano, P., Kamiguchi, H., Willemsen, R., Koekoek, K. E., Zeeuw, D. C. I., De Deyn, P. P., Van Der Linden, A., Lemmon, V., Kooy, R. F., and Willems, P. J., L1 knockout mice show dilated ventricles, vermis hypoplasia and impaired exploration patterns, Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 7, pp. 999-1009, 1998.PDF icon Download paper (248.02 KB)
J. Sijbers, den Dekker, A. J., Scheunders, P., and Van Dyck, D., Maximum Likelihood estimation of Rician distribution parameters, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 17, pp. 357-361, 1998.PDF icon Download paper (106.26 KB)
S. De Backer, Naud, A., and Scheunders, P., Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Unsupervised Feature Extraction, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 19, pp. 711-720, 1998.
P. Scheunders, De Backer, S., and Naud, A., Non-linear mapping for feature extraction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1451, pp. 823-830, 1998.
M. Baillieux and Scheunders, P., On-line determination of the velocity of simultaneously moving organisms by image analysis for the detection of sublethal toxicity, Water Research, vol. 32, pp. 1027-1034, 1998.
P. Jedrasik, Garcia, J., De Boeck, B., and Van Dyck, D., Optimal filtering versus regularization methods in the Fourier precompensation based proximity neurocorrection in electron beam lithography, Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 41, pp. 195-198, 1998.
P. Scheunders, Livens, S., Van de Wouwer, G., Vautrot, P., and Van Dyck, D., Wavelet-based texture analysis, Intern. Journal on Computer Science and Information Management, vol. 1, pp. 22-34, 1998.
P. Scheunders, Comparison of clustering algorithms applied to colour image quantization, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 18, pp. 1379-1384, 1997.
E. Bettens, Scheunders, P., Van Dyck, D., Moens, L., and Osta, V. P., Computer Analysis of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Gels : A New Segmentation and Modeling Algorithm, Electrophoresis, vol. 18, pp. 792-798, 1997.
D. Van Dyck, Bettens, E., Sijbers, J., Op de Beeck, M., den Dekker, A. J., and van den Bos, A., From High Resolution Image to Atomic Structure: how fare are we?, Scanning Microscopy, Special Issue on Image Processing, vol. 11, pp. 467-478, 1997.
P. Scheunders, A genetic c-means clustering algorithm applied to color image quantization, Pattern Recognition, vol. 30, pp. 859-866, 1997.
D. Van Dyck and Garcia, J., INFOTREE: A new generic method for supervised pattern, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 18, pp. 1211-1217, 1997.
G. Van de Wouwer, Scheunders, P., Van Dyck, D., Wuyts, F. L., and Van de Heyning, P. H., Voice recognition from spectrograms: a wavelet based approach, Fractals, vol. 5, pp. 165-172, 1997.
J. Sijbers, Verhoye, M., Scheunders, P., Van Der Linden, A., Van Dyck, D., and Raman, E., Watershed based segmentation of 3D MR data for volume quantization, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 15, pp. 679-688, 1997.PDF icon Download paper (3.18 MB)
