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Journal Article
J. Sijbers, Verhoye, M., Scheunders, P., Van Der Linden, A., Van Dyck, D., and Raman, E., Watershed based segmentation of 3D MR data for volume quantization, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 15, pp. 679-688, 1997.PDF icon Download paper (3.18 MB)
G. Ramos-Llordén, den Dekker, A. J., Van Steenkiste, G., Jeurissen, B., Vanhevel, F., Van Audekerke, J., Verhoye, M., and Sijbers, J., A unified Maximum Likelihood framework for simultaneous motion and T1 estimation in quantitative MR T1 mapping, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 433 - 446, 2017.
S. D. Washington, Hamaide, J., Jeurissen, B., Van Steenkiste, G., Huysmans, T., Sijbers, J., Deleye, S., Kanwal, J. S., De Groof, G., Liang, S., Van Audekerke, J., Wenstrup, J. J., Van Der Linden, A., Radtke-Schuller, S., and Verhoye, M., A three-dimensional digital neurological atlas of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii), NeuroImage, vol. 183, pp. 300-313, 2018.
S. Sekar, Jonckers, E., Verhoye, M., Willems, R., Veraart, J., Van Audekerke, J., Couto, J., Giugliano, M., Wuyts, K., Dedeurwaerdere, S., Sijbers, J., Mackie, C., Ver Donck, L., Steckler, T., and Van Der Linden, A., Subchronic memantine induced concurrent functional disconnectivity and altered ultra-structural tissue integrity in the rodent brain: revealed by multimodal MRI., Psychopharmacology, vol. 227, no. 3, pp. 479-91, 2013.
J. Van Audekerke, Verhoye, M., Peeters, R. R., Sijbers, J., and Van Der Linden, A., Special designed RF-antenna with integrated non-invasive carbon electrodes for simultaneous MRI and EEG acquisition at 7T, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 18, pp. 887-891, 2000.PDF icon Download full paper (179 KB)
V. Van Meir, Boumans, T., De Groof, G., Van Audekerke, J., Smolders, A., Scheunders, P., Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Balthazart, J., and Van Der Linden, A., Spatiotemporal properties of the BOLD response in the songbirds auditory circuit during a variety of listening tasks, NeuroImage, vol. 25, pp. 1242-1255, 2005.
Z. Mai, Rajan, J., Verhoye, M., and Sijbers, J., Robust edge-directed interpolation of magnetic resonance images, Physics in medicine and biology, vol. 56, pp. 7287-7303, 2011.PDF icon Download paper (1.3 MB)
J. Sijbers, Michiels, I., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., Restoration of MR induced artifacts in simultaneously recorded MR/EEG data, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 17, pp. 1383-1393, 1999.PDF icon Download paper (1.09 MB)
J. Sijbers, Van Audekerke, J., Verhoye, M., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., Reduction of ECG and gradient related artifacts in simultaneously recorded human EEG/MRI data, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 18, pp. 881-886, 2000.PDF icon Download paper (2 MB)
M. A. Zampini, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., and Garipov, R., A preparation pulse for fast steady state approach in Actual Flip angle Imaging, Medical Physics, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 306-318, 2024.
J. Veraart, Leergaard, T. B., Antonsen, B. T., Van Hecke, W., Blockx, I., Jeurissen, B., Jiang, Y., Van Der Linden, A., Johnson, A. G., Verhoye, M., and Sijbers, J., Population-averaged diffusion tensor imaging atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain, NeuroImage, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 975-983, 2011.
D. H. J. Poot, den Dekker, A. J., Achten, E., Verhoye, M., and Sijbers, J., Optimal experimental design for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 29, pp. 819-829, 2010.PDF icon Download paper (1.12 MB)
M. Naeyaert, Roose, D., Mai, Z., Keliris, A. J., Sijbers, J., Van Der Linden, A., and Verhoye, M., Normalized Averaged Range (nAR), a Robust Quantification Method for MPIO-content, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol. 300, pp. 18-27, 2019.
J. Rajan, Veraart, J., Van Audekerke, J., Verhoye, M., and Sijbers, J., Nonlocal maximum likelihood estimation method for denoising multiple-coil magnetic resonance images, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1512-1518, 2012.PDF icon Download full paper (1.11 MB)
J. Rajan, Veraart, J., Van Audekerke, J., Verhoye, M., and Sijbers, J., Nonlocal maximum likelihood estimation method for denoising multiple-coil magnetic resonance images., Magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1512-8, 2012.
R. F. Kooy, Reyniers, E., Verhoye, M., Sijbers, J., Cras, P., Oostra, B. A., Willems, P. J., and Van Der Linden, A., Neuroanatomy of the fragile X knockout mouse brain studied using in vivo high resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), European Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 7, pp. 526-532, 1999.PDF icon ejhg99.pdf (261.08 KB)
N. Van Camp, Vreys, R., Van Laere, K., Lauwers, E., Beque, D., Verhoye, M., Casteels, C., Verbruggen, A., Debyser, Z., Mortelmans, L., Sijbers, J., Nuyts, J., Baekelandt, V., and Van Der Linden, A., Morphologic and functional changes in the unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion rat model for Parkinson's disease discerned with microSPECT and quantitative MRI., Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 65-75, 2010.
J. Veraart, Poot, D. H. J., Van Hecke, W., Blockx, I., Van Der Linden, A., Verhoye, M., and Sijbers, J., More accurate estimation of diffusion tensor parameters using diffusion kurtosis imaging, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 65, pp. 138-145, 2011.PDF icon Download paper (387.31 KB)
Q. Beirinckx, Jeurissen, B., Nicastro, M., Poot, D. H. J., Verhoye, M., den Dekker, A. J., and Sijbers, J., Model-based super-resolution reconstruction with joint motion estimation for improved quantitative MRI parameter mapping, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 100, no. 102071, pp. 1-16, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (15.42 MB)PDF icon Download supplementary material (1.35 MB)
I. Blockx, De Groof, G., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., Raber, K., Poot, D. H. J., Sijbers, J., Osmand, A. P., Von Hörsten, S., and Van Der Linden, A., Microstructural changes observed with DKI in a transgenic Huntington rat model: Evidence for abnormal neurodevelopment., NeuroImage, vol. 59, pp. 957-67, 2012.
J. Rajan, Jeurissen, B., Verhoye, M., Van Audekerke, J., and Sijbers, J., Maximum likelihood estimation based denoising of magnetic resonance images using restricted local neighborhoods, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 56, pp. 5221-5234, 2011.PDF icon Download full paper (643.93 KB)
A. Leemans, Sijbers, J., Verhoye, M., Van Der Linden, A., and Van Dyck, D., Mathematical Framework for Simulating Diffusion Tensor MR Neural Fiber Bundles, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 53, pp. 944-953, 2005.PDF icon Download full paper (1.55 MB)
R. Delgado Y Palacios, Adriaan, C., Kim, H., Verhoye, M., Poot, D. H. J., Jouke, D., Van Audekerke, J., Benveniste, H., Sijbers, J., Wiborg, O., and Van Der Linden, A., Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy reveal differential hippocampal changes in anhedonic and resilient subtypes of the chronic mild stress rat model, Biological psychiatry, vol. 70, pp. 449-457, 2011.
