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P. Lopes, Van Herck, P., Ooms, J., Van Mieghem, N., Wirix-Speetjens, R., Sijbers, J., Vander Sloten, J., and Bosmans, J., Automated Mitral Valve Assessment for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement (TMVR) Planning, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 16, pp. 1-13, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (2.19 MB)
A. Presenti, Liang, Z., Alves Pereira, L. F., Sijbers, J., and De Beenhouwer, J., Automatic anomaly detection from X-ray images based on autoencoder, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, vol. 37, no. 5, 2022.
V. Nguyen, Alves Pereira, L. F., Liang, Z., Mielke, F., Van Houtte, J., Sijbers, J., and De Beenhouwer, J., Automatic landmark detection and mapping for 2D/3D registration with BoneNet, Frontiers Veterinary Science, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (2.51 MB)
Y. - T. Ling, Cools, S., Bogdanowicz, J., Fleischmann, C., De Beenhouwer, J., Sijbers, J., and Vandervorst, W., A Bottom-Up Volume Reconstruction Method for Atom Probe Tomography, Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1-14, 2022.
A. Doroshin, Jillings, S., Jeurissen, B., Tomilovskaya, E., Pechenkova, E. V., Nosikova, I., Rumshiskaya, A., Litvinova, L., Rukavishnikov, I., De Laet, C., Schoenmaekers, C., Sijbers, J., Laureys, S. S. L., Petrovichev, V., Van Ombergen, A., Annen, J., Sunaert, S., Parizel, P. M., Sinitsyn, V., Eulenburg, Pzu, Osipowicz, K., and Wuyts, F. L., Brain Connectometry Changes in Space Travelers After Long-Duration Spaceflight, Front. Neural Circuits, vol. 16, 2022.
A. Presenti, Liang, Z., Alves Pereira, L. F., Sijbers, J., and De Beenhouwer, J., CNN-based pose estimation from a single X-ray projection for 3D inspection of manufactured objects, in 11th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, 2022.
D. Giraldo, Computational anatomy strategies for characterization of brain patterns associated with Alzheimer's disease, 2022.PDF icon Download PhD thesis (25.92 MB)
T. Elberfeld, Fröhler, B., Heinzl, C., Sijbers, J., and De Beenhouwer, J., cuPARE: Parametric Reconstruction of Curved Fibres from Glass fibre-reinforced Composites, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (9.66 MB)
J. Van Houtte, Audenaert, E., Zheng, G., and Sijbers, J., Deep learning-based 2D/3D registration of an atlas to biplanar X-ray images, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 309, pp. 1333–1342, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (3.41 MB)
J. Christopher, Lumbeeck, L. - P., Paramonov, P., De Beenhouwer, J., and Sijbers, J., Discrete Terahertz tomography: a simulation study, e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, vol. 27, no. 3, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (345.5 KB)
N. Francken, Paramonov, P., Sijbers, J., and De Beenhouwer, J., Edge Illumination Phase Contrast Simulations Using the OptiX GPU Ray Tracing Engine, 5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures (ICTMS). 2022.
G. Barisano, Sepehrband, F., Collins, H. R., Jillings, S., Jeurissen, B., Taylor, A. J., Schoenmaekers, C., De Laet, C., Rukavishnikov, I., Nosikova, I., Rumshiskaya, A., Annen, J., Sijbers, J., Laureys, S. S. L., Van Ombergen, A., Petrovichev, V., Sinitsyn, V., Pechenkova, E. V., Grishin, A., Eulenburg, Pzu, Law, M., Sunaert, S., Parizel, P. M., Tomilovskaya, E., Roberts, D., and Wuyts, F. L., The effect of prolonged Spaceflight on Cerebrospinal Fluid and Perivascular Spaces of Astronauts and Cosmonauts, PNAS, vol. 119, no. 17, 2022.
P. Paramonov, Renders, J., Elberfeld, T., De Beenhouwer, J., and Sijbers, J., Efficient X-ray projection of triangular meshes based on ray tracing and rasterization, in SPIE Optical Engineering: Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV , 2022, vol. 12242, p. 122420W .PDF icon Download paper (1.72 MB)
D. Iuso, Chatterjee, S., Heylen, R., Cornelissen, S., De Beenhouwer, J., and Sijbers, J., Evaluation of deeply supervised neural networks for 3D pore segmentation in additive manufacturing, in SPIE Optical Engineering: Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV , 2022, vol. 12242, p. 122421K.PDF icon Download paper (protected) (1.79 MB)
B. Huyge, Jeurissen, B., De Beenhouwer, J., and Sijbers, J., Fiber orientation estimation by constrained spherical deconvolution of the anisotropic edge illumination x-ray dark field signal, in SPIE: Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV, 2022, vol. 12242, p. 122420V .PDF icon Download paper (956.82 KB)
V. Anania, Collier, Q., Veraart, J., Buikema, A. Eline, Vanhevel, F., Billiet, T., Jeurissen, B., den Dekker, A. J., and Sijbers, J., Improved diffusion parameter estimation by incorporating T2 relaxation properties into the DKI-FWE model, NeuroImage, vol. 256, p. 119219, 2022.
T. Van De Looverbosch, Jiaqi, H., Tempelaere, A., Kelchtermans, K., Verboven, P., Tuytelaars, T., Sijbers, J., and Nicolai, B., Inline nondestructive internal disorder detection in pear fruit using explainable deep anomaly detection on X-ray images, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 197, no. 106962, pp. 1-14, 2022.
D. Giraldo, Smith, R. E., Struyfs, H., Niemantsverdriet, E., De Roeck, E., Bjerke, M., Engelborghs, S., Romero, E., Sijbers, J., and Jeurissen, B., Investigating tissue-specific abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease with multi-shell diffusion MRI, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 1771-1791, 2022.
N. Six, Renders, J., De Beenhouwer, J., and Sijbers, J., Joint reconstruction of attenuation, refraction and dark field X-ray phase contrasts using split Barzilai-Borwein steps, in SPIE Optical Engineering: Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV , 2022, vol. 12242, p. 122420O.
Q. Beirinckx, Jeurissen, B., Nicastro, M., Poot, D. H. J., Verhoye, M., den Dekker, A. J., and Sijbers, J., Model-based super-resolution reconstruction with joint motion estimation for improved quantitative MRI parameter mapping, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 100, no. 102071, pp. 1-16, 2022.PDF icon Download paper (15.42 MB)PDF icon Download supplementary material (1.35 MB)
V. Anania, Jeurissen, B., Morez, J., Buikema, A. Eline, Billiet, T., Sijbers, J., and den Dekker, A. J., Optimal acquisition settings for simultaneous diffusion kurtosis, free water fraction and T2 estimation, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. 2022.
C. Bossuyt, De Beenhouwer, J., and Sijbers, J., Optimization of a multi-source rectangular X-ray CT geometry for inline inspection, in SPIE Optical Engineering: Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV , 2022, vol. 12242, p. 1224219 .
M. Yosifov, Reiter, M., Heupl, S., Gusenbauer, C., Fröhler, B., R. Gutierrez, F. -, De Beenhouwer, J., Sijbers, J., Kastner, J., and Heinzl, C., Probability of Detection applied to X-ray inspection using numerical simulations, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 536-551, 2022.
K. Stanković, Quantitative assessment of 3D foot shape using statistical shape analysis, 2022.PDF icon Download thesis (7.16 MB)
C. Bossuyt, De Beenhouwer, J., and Sijbers, J., Sparse view rectangular X-ray CT for cargo inspection using the ASTRA toolbox, 5th international Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures, 27the June - 1ste July, Grenoble, France. 2022.
